I do not have much experience with Liches as of yet. So I'm a little biased here. I've only seen the liches like our man from TOMB OF HORRORS old farts decicrated who sit around and don't do much.
Or one that is battle ready will rip you a new rectum such as Sauron. It's funny when I think of Sauron I think of well a giant eye. Never a Lich. I've started reading Fellowship by the way finally! Though I honestly like both!
Moving on. Vampires since I've been running Ravenloft Lord Strahd is an awesome foe! Their manipulative abilities and illusionary spells are very interesting and they are great for adventures involving mystery or even as exceptionally challenging foes.

A honorary mention is Skeletons. Skelebros are awesome, but are more or less canon fodder unless you beef them up.
ANIMAL OR VERMIN Favorite monster!
You know whats Cool Bears.
You know what else is cool? Owls

OWLBEARS!!!! Are cool and will rip your head off too. With a giant knashing beak and claws. It's an odd but amazing chimera of a critter. Avian and mammalian features made into a mesh of destructive power.
One day I will have an army of Owl
Bears. All with names and rank.
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