Sorry for not posting in two days we haven't had as much time to play.
We last left our heroes in a room full of angry Orcs.
The Battle was long and the party grew weak. Alehandro was knocked unconscious for a while and the party was able to over come the Orcs in the end.
The party decided to press on past the eating hall to the top of the dungeon.
We arrived at an intersection and found a locked door. Jakothia tried to bang his way into it, but after five unsuccessful shoves the thief Ellock got it open!
Inside they found an assortment of weapons and supplies which at this moment I can't recall, but regular loot. We discovered a crossbow and some bolts, 2 axes, and 4 swords.
We continued down the left hall, and came to a door. Sir Jakothia rolled to peak in and rolled a 1 the door slammed open and combat started.
Inside was the Orc Chief with his two mates engage us in combat the round goes and
Alehandro deals enough damage to scare off the chief.
We kill the two others and search the room. I find a hidden room and we discover 2 spears, 2 suits of chainmail. Sir Jakothia and the rest of the party search for another door and find the middle room hidden by the revolving wall.
They find a hidden room with no other doors. Inside a few barrels and a chest and a large table in the middle. Sir Jakothia searches the barrels and finds some old stagnant water, but he notices some bags behind them.
As he does this a Giant Centipede jumps out and latches onto Jakothias arm. Though is unable to penetrate his plate mail. He flails his arms trying to get it away and Ellock kills it with his trusty daggers.
Ellock decides to check the bag's and notices the other Centipede and stabs it thoroughly.
Inside they find a small wealth of money.
Alehandro points out the chest and they find a small supply of weapons.
We all search the room for another door, the Orc leader must of been somewhere.
We find it and peak through an notice a long hallway.

The party continues on and about 50 feet further there is a door to our right.
Jakothia opens it and a guard sounds for alarm and engages combat.
Two other Orcs show up in the hallway and fight Alehandro and the Cleric.
The Guard is not worry for Sir Jakothia, and we get rid of the other two.
As we enter the room the Orc Chief wields his Axe and hits Jakothia for 2.
Ellock and the Cleric don't hit.
Two rounds pass and Alehandro rolls a 20! Double damage, and then another round another 20!
The Orc Chief is dead.
The Orc Chief has a expensive looking Silver and gold jewled belt. With a gold armlet and an axe.
They take the belt and armlet.
There's a chest in the room with some money and a rope. Alehandro takes the rope. and The rest of the party devides the gold.
That's where we ended and I will continue next time.
We are planning on getting some Reaper Bones mini's and paint them. so I won't have to rely on the Heroscape figurines all the time.
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