So to start let's get the first 3rd out of the way this is the town section.Last we left the party of Sir Jakothia the Paladin, Ellock the Dwarven Thief and Alehandro the half-elf Ranger. They had Received a letter from a estranged man. The letter that concerned Barovia's Burgomeister and his daughters health.
They decided to go to Barovia and help! They pack up their things and head to their quarters, as they do two men at arms they had saved earlier come up to them and say they will help, but they need weapons.
So Sir Jakothia and Ellock decide to pitch in and hand them some shields they found, as well as buying them Plate mail, helmets, and Some Battle Axes to Carry.
Before the leave they ask the Casttelan about Barovia. He tells them. "No one ever goes in, and no one ever comes out." They ask for more information, and he tells them that no one has ever returned from Barovia.
They gather up their things and head to Barovia.

The trek is long, but they make it to the Barovian Forest path.
The party is going down the dark Barovian road. The party soon notices a gate in front of them. with two stone statues, both decapitated. As they Draw near the Gate swings open and then shuts soon after with a rusty clang.
As they head down the road, Alehandro and Jakothia notice a body and near the roadside.
It's rotting with decay. Jakothia goes to inspect it and notices a parchment in it's hand.
The parchment is a letter, Fairly old, somewhat aged. Of a similar note to a before letter yet far older.
Speaking of the burgomeisters daughter and being bitten by a vampyr. As well as the need for help.
The party makes way towards the town located in Barovia it seems mainly deserted. The sound of crying is heard through the town.
The first thing Jakothia decides to do is ask around town. He knocks on a door. No answer.
He says "I kick it open". He rolls a 18 and breaks the door off it's hinges. Inside they find a woman and her husband in the corner with looks of fear. Jakothia's presence somewhat calms them, but they looked perturbed.

"What do you want?" the man says, " I hear of a vampire problem?"
"Shhh we do not talk of that."
"Where is this vampire?" The villager points to a castle through the window.
"Now go leave my home!" Ellock fixes the door the best he can and they leave toward the center of the town.
The town is dark and the sound of weeping is still there. They party decides to head toward the closest light source the Blood on/of the vine Taven. As the enter four men sit at a table near the entrance and drink. The Barkeep seems to be compulsively cleaning glasses.
Alehandro looks about and notices a man in the corner hooded and drinking alone. He informs the party of the man. Jakothia buys a drink and hands it to the man at the table.
I:"What do you want?" J: I hear that there is an issue of a Vampire in this land."
I:"SSHHh keep down, what concern of it does it have with you" J: Well we found these letters and.."
I:"Let me see that. As I thought." J: Is there anything we can do to help the letters explain about a girl"
I:"If you concern yourself do you even know her name?" J:" Ireena kolyana isn't it?"
Ismark: "I am Ismark Second son of the late burgomeister. Come with me"
The party heads towards a mansion with creaky gates and dark looming shadows.
They enter the old house and Ismark tells them that the letter that was sent to them was not from the hands of his father and that the man on the road must of been him. He points out that they were relentlessly attacked by wolves till his older brother died.
Ismark tried his best to preserve his body, since the dead do no rest in Barovia.
He leads them to a chamber upstairs where Ireena is and explains his and her Condition. That Count Strahd the once ruler of this land did this to her and she has yet to turn. Jakothia senses evil and can tell she is mostly good, but inside her lurks a dark threat untapped.
They discuss thier issue and tell them that Strahd resides in Castle Ravenloft.
Jakothia asks about where he can find some books in the town or any information and Ismark tells him of the church.
They head toward the Church and Speak to the Priest there he hands them an old book on the history of the land. He explains that Barovia was part of a larger kingdom, but soon the old king died. Barovia was ruled by Lord Strahd and soon the residing Lands warred for control. Barovia survived. The book hasn't detailed more. Though of recent history the Priest goes on.

The Priest says that that's about what he can tell him other then the wolf attacks.
As the party leaves dusk sets in and they see from the graveyard Ghosts facing away from them and staring at castle Ravenloft.
See part 2 and 3 for a continuation soon!
Did you know there is a REAL Castle Ravenloft! Sadly unless these pictures are old it is out of shape and needs to be restored. It would be a great place for larpers and renfairs that could be state owned or part of a historical reservation association.
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